This comment was posted on Safari 6 breaks my JavaScript. Create a simple smooth scrolling page navigation Having a navbar with links to different part of the page is a very common feature of many websites. Smooth Scroll to Anchor without jQuery Smooth scroll to each link Ultra lightweight and simple jQuery plugin that create sticky navigation bar on scroll. I think it’s related to Apple doing all kinds of optimizations (as usual) on their very fast Javascript engine, and somehow screwing something up in the process.

The bug appeared in Safari 6 or the last Safari 5 version. It’s useful for single-page applications where the pages tend to get long, and you want to give the user the option to jump from.
class to the the nav-barscrollTop change attempt, and is enough to fix the bug. Fixed top navigation that collapses on scroll Smooth scrolling animations. If so, add an id 'navbar' to your existing navbar and copy the JavaScript function given at the end. the first two methods are dependent on the webpage completely Scroll bar is. If you have already a navbar and wanted to change its color after some scrolling then you just need to add a little JavaScript function to your project. It scrolls the page to view the complete element window scrollIntoView. This will insert a millisecond (plus some overhead) of wait before the. In this tutorial, we’ll create a transparent navbar and make it solid on the scroll event. Hey! Before you go too far down the rabbit hole of JavaScript-based smooth scrolling, know that there is a native CSS feature for this: scroll-behavior.